Monday, September 27, 2010

This is gonna be short but I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON!!!

Yes, I have.

I've LEARNED my lesson!!!

You know sometimes when you're bored at work and you have no more blogs to read? Well, yes! I still do read blogs at work. I just go back and comment when I get home because as you know, Mutant and The Dev are now both in my shift, which makes it difficult for me not to work because I don't wanna get caught because if I do get caught, I don't know what would they do to me and just the thought of what actually might happen to me if they caught me gives me nightmares.

Well, not really.

Anyway, I was reading a blog friend's post and I noticed one of their new followers. Not in their comments section. But in their FOLLOWER THUMBNAILS.

Yes, I meant those SMALL pictures. Can you blame me?? He was eye catching. His little picture stood out!

Well, of course, what would a girl do? I clicked on the thumbnail to go to the blog and GUESS where it took me???

Of course, his blog. But what I saw on his blog is what really shocked me.

The dude's header is his NAKED, greasy self!

Honestly, it wasn't the obvious chronic narcissism that bothered me about this.

And it wasn't the fact that it was an NSFW picture, either!

It was the fact that he kinda looked like HORATIO CAINE!!!

Nothing personal really but...

Fuck my life!


  1. OH MY GAWD. Are you serious? Please send me the link. Bahahahaahaha.

  2. Oh, man! Why doesn't this ever happen to me?

  3. really??? link! link! link! hhahaha

  4. Could have been worse Gnetch it could have been a full frontal nude pic of some guy who looks like Danny Devito

  5. Whew, I thought this was about me for a second. I am dreamy, you know, and people just get lost in my eyes and subtle face scruff.

  6. LOL! Hahahahaha. Gnetchy, I wanna seeeeeee! haahahahaha.

  7. LOL! Oh i am thankful I dont have many male followers.. the ones i have are married dudes probably entering their fifties. this is the first time i actually feel so good about this lot.... like u say, thank goodness for the good ones..

  8. Oooooooooh I wanna see too!And actually go over there and tell him he looks like Horatio.

  9. That was funny but the dude doesn't seem humble in the least.

  10. That's hilarious. Gotta love how some people are just totally in love with themselves. I was walking behind a guy on the way to the bus the other day and he must have looked at the windows beside him at LEAST ten times to check himself out and make sure his hair was okay. I couldn't help laughing at him :)

  11. That's hilarious. Gotta love how some people are just totally in love with themselves. I was walking behind a guy on the way to the bus the other day and he must have looked at the windows beside him at LEAST ten times to check himself out and make sure his hair was okay. I couldn't help laughing at him :)


  13. Listen up MILKMAID! You can not, I repeat YOU CAN NOT (!!) talk about hot naked dude and NOT link it. I will hunt you down and kill you... J/k.. kind of.

  14. Seriously, porn at work? You're letting the family down.

  15. I blog at work too! I comment at home because apparently my workplace blocks the ability to comment. Oh well. Picking a blog picture is hard stuff. You cant mess up with that kindof stuff. And no one should have a picture like that..

  16. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    That is all.

  17. Hahaha! That yellow headed guy you draw looks like Johnny Bravo!

    Hmmm, you must be so shocked seeing that hahaha! I hoped you didn't faint.

  18. has anyone told you that your logo makes it look like you are wearing bikini bottoms on the outside of your pants that are the exact same color of your pants, and your hands are tucked into it like a little front crotch pocket?

  19. If that blue creature you made up had a blog, I would totally be a follower. Send the URL, stat.

  20. I wonder, if my photo is as eye catching with sunnies and everything. Unfortunately I can't post a naked pic of myself, because the header is too narrow to fit everything in, hahaha :P

    Of course that's one big fat lie :P I'm a man after all :-)~

    PS: Send me the link via DM on Twatter, kthxbai :P

  21. Kester Taylor- Excuse me, who the fuck are you?

  22. @Kester:Has anyone told you you look like a weirdo-stalker?I wonder what your logo looks like...If it looks like you, no wonder why no blog is listed in your profile.

  23. I agree with them...LINK...LINK!!!

  24. P.S. Look at your comments. Someone is jealous of you.

  25. Bitch! The fuck is up with assholes coming out of the fucking woodwork???

    K up there... wonder what your fucktarded blog design looks like??? As a matter of fact I am WAY too lazy to go check your dipshit ass out, because I can already tell that you suck balls.

    I DESIGNED this header cock block... so kiss my goddamn ass!

  26. First of all, bitch... a Caruso picture? Really? You do remember I read your blog, right? And now I'm going to have nightmares. Lots and lots of nightmares. And no Fran to hold me and tell me everything's alright, because you haven't helped me kidnap him yet! You suck, Gnetch. But seriously, I want the link now too, kind of. It's like in Clerks 2: It's so disgusting but I can't look away.

    @Kester Taylor: Why don't you go suck on monkey balls you stupid fuck and stop annoying Gnetchy. Because then you'll have to deal with my wrath. I'm like her personal bodyguard and such. And I'm mean... very, very mean. Now, go fuck off, kthx!

  27. Ria, Sey, CB, Christina- Shhhh... Don't be mean to stupid people. He obviously needs some counseling.

    Love you guys!

  28. LOL i see a serious debate is going on here...

  29. @K:Why are you jealous of Gnetchy's crotch asshat?Who trampled yours? Stay the FUCK away from G and her awesomeass blog.Her header and her button ROCKS-if you think otherwise you'll have me to deal with and then you'll be talking out of your knees forver.RUN!:X

  30. You know you liked it !
    Whatever it was ???
    Good Job on the Pics Gnetch.

  31. 1st, could you please hook me up with that blog, and 2nd was he participating in the HNT?

  32. Kester Taylor you look like the best part of you ran down the crack of you're momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.

  33. You're too funny!

    I love your pictures. Hope you're having a supremely awesome weekend full of um.....(well, you fill it in)

  34. And who wouldn't hop in the sack with Horatio?

    His clever puns get me going. I ain't kickin' him outta bed. :P

    (On a side note, I've never understood how a pasty, red-haired, white dude ends up with the name "Horatio." I supposed I will never know since I stopped watching after two episodes....)
